Thursday, March 9, 2017

Mass Effect Andromeda Nomad footage makes us wish we hadn’t called the Mako ugly in middle school

Mass Effect Andromeda has a ground vehicle you won’t want to leave in a Thresher Maw nest. Unprecedented.

New Mass Effect Andromeda footage from ongoing IGN First coverage gives us a good look at the Nomad, the new ground vehicle.

The original Mass Effect had a ground vehicle called the Mako, and while some people loved the exploration aspects of it, others just hated driving the clunky old thing around and getting it stuck on mountains. Ticking every side content box in Mass Effect required a lot of Mako time, and feedback was negative enough that BioWare mostly dropped ground vehicles for the two later games.

But Mass Effect Andromeda reintroduces that exploration emphasis, and so here we are with a successor: the Nomad. As you’ll see in the video above, you can call the Nomad from forward beacons, which also serve as fast travel points and reveal nearby points of interest.

Players can make mining claims in Mass Effect Andromeda without exiting the Nomad, and it has a six wheel mode upgrade which can help them overcome difficult terrain. That should take a lot of the frustration out.

Additional upgrades can improve the Nomad’s shields, agility and other features. Upgrade are available as blueprints at many of Mass Effect Andromeda’s merchants, and range in rarity through a number of tiers.

Mass Effect Andromeda releases this month for PC, PS4 and Xbox One and about half the VG247 staff are practically frothing in frustrated impatience.

Expect as much Mass Effect Andromeda coverage as we can possibly sneak past the overlords just as soon as we get it in our uncomfortably damp, long-fingered little paws.

from VG247

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