Friday, May 26, 2017

Far Cry 5 character vignettes introduce three NPCs determined to destroy the Edens Gate cult

These Far Cry 5 character vignettes give you a small glimpse at some of the residents of Hope County.

The video you see above introduces you to Mary May, a bartender who along with other civilians from all walks of life have joined the resistance against the doomsday cult in Far Cry 5. Her reason for wanting to wipe them from the fce of the earth is extremely personal.

As previously reported, Mary May runs the Whistling Beaver saloon, ans is determined to protect her business from Project at Eden’s Gate. She’s prepared to use her booze against them, by creating Molotov cocktails.

Pastor Jerome Jeffries is another NPC who can’t seem to get the word of God proper across to Eden’s Gate converts. So, he puts the Bible down, grabs some weapons and is prepared to use them. Apparently, he didn’t take having his church destroyed too well.

The third video introduces you to Nick Rye, a pilot who has minigun attached to his plane. He will do what he can to attack the cult from they air with a rain of bullets.

If you head through the link above, you can read up on more what to expect via John Robertson’s initial impressions from a recent showing.

Far Cry 5 is out February 27 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

from VG247

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