The Solstice of Heroes summer event has started in Destiny 2 and there’s a new questline to follow that will net you some powerful gear.
The Solstice of Heroes event will run until August 27 and will focus on one of the three elements – Solar, Arc, and Void – each day. All Elemental kills will reward you with Elemental Orbs which can be used to complete objectives to upgrade your armour.
You’ll be able to pick up 700 Power Solstice of Heroes armour which you can upgrade by completing different objectives. If you collect 30 orbs which match the daily element, you’ll get an elemental buff for your subclass and weapons for a brief time.
Be warned, though: the buffs will not be active in Competitive or Gambit Prime matches.
Destiny 2: Solstice of Heroes – EAZ
Throughout the event, there is a new area available: the European Aerial Zone. This houses a three-player matchmaking activity. It works similar to the forests in previous events, with the aim being to defeat as many mini-bosses as possible then battling a final boss.
Once that boss is defeated, you can search the EAZ for treasure chests. The more mini-bosses you defeat, the more treasure will await you, said Bungie, but you’ll need to be fast. The chest locations only appear onscreen for a few seconds and there’s a countdown timer you have to race to beat.
The chests you will be searching for contain Solstice Packages which can be opened using Solstice Key Fragments. You can earn Solstice Key Fragments by completing any activity during the Solstice of Heroes event.
Solstice Packages contain rare and legendary gear, enhancement cores, and materials. Once you have acquired your Legendary Solstice armour, Solstice Packages will reward you with additional armour, meaning you can keep going until you get the perk roll you want.
Destiny 2: Solstice of Heroes armour upgrades
Solstice of Heroes armour sets can be upgraded from Drained to Renewed. Equip each piece of new armour and hover over it to see the objectives you need to meet. You’ll have to kill various types of enemies, complete EAZ runs, collect Elemental orbs and so on.
Each step is pretty straightforward. To get the Elemental orbs, equip weapons and subclass to match the element of the day.
Warlock armour
Warlock – restore Drained armour to Renewed armour
- Helmet: Complete an EZ run, land 50 Precision final blows and defeat 50 Cabal enemies.
- Gauntlets: Complete 10 playlist Strikes, collect 500 of any type of Elemental orb and defeat 10 opposing Guardians.
- Chest armour: Complete three Adventures, collect 100 Arc orbs in Gambit and/ or Crucible matches and open 10 Solstice Packages.
- Boots: Loot 10 EAZ Chests, collect 100 Solar Elemental orbs in Strikes and use the Void subclass to defeat 75 enemies on the EAZ.
- Bond: Complete 10 Nessus public events, five Solstice bounties and 10 Crucible and/ or Gambit matches.
Warlock – restore Renewed armour to Majestic armour
- Helmet: Defeat minibosses in EAZ runs, collect Elemental orbs whilst in the EAZ and defeat enemies in Strikes with the subclass that matches the daily element.
- Gauntlets: Complete bounties, collect Elemental orbs by matching subclasses with your fireteam members and defeat opposing Guardians in Gambit and/ or Crucible matches.
- Chest armour: Complete Gambit matches, complete Challenges and defeat enemies using Void weapons.
- Boots: Complete Heroic Puclic Events, collect Solar Orbs during Stroke playthroughs and defeat Hive enemies using the daily elemental subclass.
- Bond: Complete Patrols on Titan, open chests in the EAZ and use Arc Supers to defeat Guardians in Gambit and Crucible matches.
Hunter Armour
Hunter – restore Drained armour to Renewed armour
- Helmet: Complete EAZ runs, get 50 Precision final blows and defeat 50 Fallen enemies
- Gauntlets: Complete 10 playlist Strikes, collect 100 Solar orbs from Crucible and/ or Gambit and open 10 Solstice Packages.
- Chest armour: Loot 10 EAZ chests, collect 500 Elemental orbs and defeat75 enemies in the EAZ using the Solar subclass.
- Boots: Complete 10 Public Evenets on Nessus, five Solstice of Heroes bounties and defeat 10 Guardians in Crucible / Gambit.
- Cloak: Complete three adventures, collect 100 Arc orbs in Strikes and complete 10 Crucible/ Gambit matches.
Hunter – restore Renewed armour to Majestic armour
- Helmet: Complete Solstice bounties, open chests in the EAZ and defeat enemies using Arc weapons.
- Gauntlets: Complete Heroic Public Events, collect Arc orbs in Strikes and defeat Cabal using the daily elemental subclass.
- Chest armour: Complete Gambit matches, collect Elemental orbs using the subclass that amtches the daily elemental and defeat enemies using Void grenades.
- Boots: Complete Challenges, defeat enemies in Strikes using the daily elemental subclass and defeat Guardians in Crucible/ Gambit using Void weapons.
- Cloak: Complete Patrols in the EDZ, collect Elemental orbs in the EAZ and defeat minibosses in the EAZ.
Titan armour
Titan – restore Drained armour to Renewed armour
- Helmet: Completed EAZ runs, get 50 Precision final blows and defeat 50 Hive enemies.
- Gauntlets: Loot chests in the EAZ, complete Solstice bounties and defeat enemies in the EAZ using the Arc subclass.
- Chest armour: Complete adventures, collect Solar orbs in Strikes and defeat Guardians in Gambit or Crucible matches.
- Boots: Complete public events on Nessus, collect Void orbs in Crucible or Gambit and open Solstice Packages.
- Mark: Complete playlist Strikes, collect Elemental orbs from any activity and play Crucible and/ or Gambit matches.
Titan- restore Renewed armour to Majestic armour
- Helmet: Complete Gambit matches, collect Elemental orbs using the daily ellement and defeat opposing Guardians in Gambit or Crucible matches using Arc weapons.
- Gauntlets: Complete Heroic Public Events, complete daily or weekly challenges and defeat minibosses in the EAZ.
- Chest armour: Defeat enemies in Strikes using the daily element, loot chests in the EAZ and defeat Fallene enemies with the daily element subclass.
- Boots: Complete bounties, collect Void orbs in Strikes and defeat enemies using Solar melee attacks.
- Mark: Complete Patrols on Io, collect Elemental orbs in the EAZ Aand defear enemies using Solar weapons.
Eventually, your armour will be a Majestic Legendary set and you’ll then be able to complete another quest to unlock a Masterwork version.
Masterwork armour – all classes
- Helmet: Complete a Prestige Nightfall with a score over 200,000.
- Gauntlets: Complete playlist Strikes with clanmates.
- Chest armour: Complete The Shattered Throne dungeon with two or fewer players.
- Boots: Reset your Season 7 Valor.
- Bond/ Cloak/ Mark: Defeat challenging enemies.
If you manage to collect a Solstice Legendary armour set for each Guardian class, you’ll be able to earn the EV-37 Voidstreak Sparrow for your troubles.
This armour will be transferred to Shadowkeep as your first 2.0 armour set, making it infinitely more useful. You’ll be able to pick it up from the Gunsmith when Shadowkeep launches in September.
Looking for more Destiny 2 guides? Then check out our Destiny 2: Forsaken guide for more on the Season of Opulence and how to succeed in the Menagerie , how to farm Imperials, and how to get the new Pinnacle weapons and the Truth Exotic Rocket Launcher and Lumina Exotic Hand Cannon.
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