Time’s ticking! You only have one more day to grab as many Fortbytes as possible before they’re gone forever! Over the course of Season 9 we’ve seen tons of Fortbyte challenges, as this set of 100 tough tasks gradually unveiled the Bunker Jonesy mural and unlocked the Uptopia skin, Singularity. Did you manage to decrypt the mystery?
Below you’ll find the full list of absolutely every Fortbyte challenge, along with instructions of where to go for all that need explaining. We haven’t done separate instructions for ones that specifically mention what to do – eg. glide through rings underneath the southernmost sky platform – since they’re quite straightforward.
There are tons of different kinds of challenges. Some need you to go to specific locations, others unlock after gaining a certain amount of XP, while some are tied to Weekly challenges.
Fortbyte Locations
Fortbyte challenges |
Gain 175,000XP |
Found at a location in Loading Screen 6 |
Use the Skull Trooper Emoji at the western-most point |
Skydive through rings above Loot Lake with the Plasma Trail Contrails |
Use Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance bar |
Use Yay! emote at an ice cream shop in the desert |
Use Cuddle Up emoticon inside a rocky umbrella |
Found within Junk Junction |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 5 |
Gain 60,000XP |
Found beneath circling Jungle Parrot |
Use Nana Nana spray inside a molten tunnel |
Location within loading screen 2 |
Found within an RV Park |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 9 |
In a desert house with too many chairs |
Found inside a wooden fish building |
Somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot |
Accessible with Vega inside a spaceship building |
Found at any of the first three storm circles |
Found inside a metal llama building |
Use Rox Spray in an underpass |
Found between an RV campsite, gas station, and monstrous footprint |
Found within Fatal Fields |
Reach Battle Pass level 40 |
Accessible with Bunker Jonesy near a snowy bunker |
Found within map square A4 |
Solve the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard |
Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park |
Found at a meteor crater overlook |
Wear the Kyo pet Back Bling at the northernmost point |
Location within Loading Screen 10 |
Found between a Fork and Knife |
Gain 225,000XP |
Use Sentinel Outfit on a frozen island |
Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park |
Use Vendetta outfit at the northernmost Sky Platform |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 2 |
Accessible with the Demi outfit on a sundial in the desert |
Use Tomatohead emoticon inside the Durrr Burger restaurant |
Complete 6 challenges from week 3 |
Wear the Nana Cape back bling inside a banana stand |
Reach Battle Pass tier 20 |
Complete all challenges from Season 9 |
Reach Battle Pass tier 100 |
Found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and crashed battlebus |
Use Vox pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne |
Found in Trog's Ice Cave |
Accessible at night time inside the mountain top castle ruins |
Use the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely's banana stand |
Use the Bot spray inside a robot factory |
Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountain top villain lair |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 4 |
Found within Haunted Hills |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 10 |
Finish top 10 in squads, duos, or solo 5 times |
Use Sad Trombone emote at the north end of Snobby Shores |
Use Durrr! emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant |
Use Sign Spinner emote in Happy Oink restaurant |
Use Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall |
Wear the Stratus outfit within an abandoned mansion |
Found between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields |
Wear the Rox outfit on top of Stunt Mountain |
Found in a basement budget movie set |
Finish top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solo 30 times |
Fly the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform |
Found within a snowy town book shop |
Found inside a stone pig building |
Skydive through rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 1 |
Found within Salty Springs |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 6 |
In a filing cabinet inside an assassin's basement on the desert coast |
Found within an airport hanger |
Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building |
Found within a track side taco shop |
Found within a Ranger tower overlooking a drained lake |
Found within an arcade |
Use the Bunker Basher pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim |
Accessible in the daytime near a mountain top cactus wedge |
Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of The Block |
Found in a rock garden near the coast |
Reach Battle Pass Tier 60 |
Gain 30,000XP |
Complete 6 challenges from week 8 |
Finish top 10 in Squads, Duos, or Solo 15 times |
Found in map square J3 |
Fly the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores |
Finish top 10 in squads, duos, or solo 50 times |
Found within hidden location in Loading Screen 4 |
Use the Rock Love Spray near a lavafall |
Complete 6 challenges from Week 7 |
Use the Scarlet Scythe pickaxe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake |
Found at a Solar Panel array in the Jungle |
Reach Battle Pass tier 80 |
Found at a location within Loading Screen 8 |
Found within a Viking Longhouse |
Gain 125,000XP |
Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted |
Most of the Fortbyte challenges need no explaining, but there are a few secret locations that can be difficult to track down in the heat of a game – here’s where to go.
Found within a Viking Longhouse
To find the Viking Longhouse, go to the Viking Village in the northwest of map reference B6. The longhouse is the largest building in the north of the area. The Fortbyte is found inside, or the northern side of the room.
Found at a location within Loading Screen 8
This Fortbyte is found in the gym in the central building of Lucky Landing down at map reference F10.
Found at a Solar Panel array in the Jungle
You’ll find the Solar Panel array in map reference H2 up in the northeast of the map. It’s just to the east of the geyser field and north of Pressure Plant.
Use the Scarlet Scythe pickaxe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake
The Scarlet Scythe is the Demi skin’s pickaxe which unlocks at Tier 87 on the Battle Pass. Once you have it, you’re heading to the underwater house that’s in the centre of the frozen lake in map reference C7.
Break through the roof and you’ll find the canoe inside.
Found within hidden location in Loading Screen 4
To find this Fortbyte look for an ATM on the main road through the centre of Paradise Palms. Destroy the ATM and you’ll find the Fortbyte.
Found in a rock garden near the coast
You’ll find the rock garden right on the western edge of the map in reference J4. The Fortbyte is between the two statues.
Found within a Ranger tower overlooking a drained lake
You guessed it, the lake is Loot Lake, and the tower you’re looking for is the wooden structure on the northeast bank.
Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building
The insurance building is in the centre of Neo Tilted, between map references D5 and D6. Head inside and you’ll see the little cutouts of a mountain, the Cube, and old-skool Tilted.
Found within an airport hanger
The airport hanger that you need is on the western side of Frosty Flights. It’s the last one on the runway.
Found within a snowy town book shop
You’re looking for McGuffin’s book shop in the northwest of Happy Hamlet.
Found in a basement budget movie set
You’ll find the basement movie set just to the northwest of Shifty Shafts in map reference D7. From Shifty, go to the houses across the road and make your way into the basement of the southern one.
Found between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields
This is found at the gas station in map reference F9, just outside the snowy area of the map.
Use Sign Spinner emote in Happy Oink restaurant
You’ll find Happy Oink down in the northwest of Happy Hamlet after you’ve unlocked Sign Spinner at Tier 63.
Use Durrr! emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant
Once you’ve unlocked the Durrr emoji at Tier 53, you’ll find the Pizza Pit restaurant in the northeast of Mega Mall.
Use Sad Trombone emote at the north end of Snobby Shores
Sad Trombone is a free emote that unlocks at Tier 46 on the Battle Pass. The Fortbyte is in the front garden of the northernmost house of Snobby Shores.
Help raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountain top villain lair
The abandoned villain lair is the big castle on the mountain above Haunted Hills in the south of map reference B4. You’ll find the disco ball in the basement area of the dilapidated castle.
Use the Bot spray inside a robot factory
The bot spray unlocks at Battle Pass Tier 85 and the robot factory is Pressure Plant. You’ll find the Fortbyte on the southeastern side of the open area in the middle of Pressure Plant.
Use the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely’s banana stand
The banana stand is next to the western entrance of Neo Tilted. You need to use the emote on the lines marked on the road outside.
Found in Trog’s Ice Cave
Trog’s Ice Cave is in map reference B9. The Fortbyte is inside the little hut in the cave.
Use Vox pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountaintop throne
Once you’ve unlocked the Vox pickaxe at Tier 55 on the Battle Pass, head to the mountaintop in map reference D9. Break the gnome that’s next to the toilet and the Fortbyte will appear.
Wear the Nana Cape back bling inside a banana stand
The Banana Stand is on the western side of Neo Tilted and you get the Nana Cape from a Bunker Jonesy style challenge.
Accessible with the Demi outfit on a sundial in the desert
Demi unlocks at Battle Pass Tier 87. Once you’ve unlocked her, head to the northeast of map reference G9 and you’ll see the sundial on top of the mountain.
Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park
The Disaster Bunker is in the centre north of Pleasant Park. Make your way into the basement and break the wall with your pickaxe. Open the blue door and you’ll find the Fortbyte over to the left.
Found between a Fork and Knife
The Fork and Knife are found just to the northwest of Fatal Fields, you can see them on the map burnt into the floor. They’re in the north of map reference F8.
Location within Loading Screen 10
This is found in the house just to the north of the “N” in Lonely Lodge. The Fortbyte is just inside.
Found at a meteor crater overlook
This Fortbyte is found on the north of Dusty Divot in map reference F5. It’s on the metal walkway overlooking the Divot.
Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park
You’ll find this Fortbyte right between the map references B3 and C3.
Solve the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard
You’ll find the puzzle in the map reference I9. It’s on the northeastern side of the junkyard, and you need to pull the lever to start the game. To solve the puzzle – which is random – watch the order that the panels light up and hit them in the same order with your pickaxe. You have to do it about five times.
Found within map square A4
This Fortbyte is found just to the north of the northernmost house in Snobby Shores.
Accessible with Bunker Jonesy near a snowy bunker
This Fortbyte is in the extreme southwest of the map between references B10-C10 on the little island off the edge of the main map. The hut where you find the prize is on the west side of the island.
Found between an RV campsite, gas station, and monstrous footprint
This Fortbyte is found on top of the mountain overlooking the western side of Loot Lake, it’s on the south side of the map reference D4.
Use Rox Spray in an underpass
The Rox spray unlocks at Tier 6 of the Battle Pass. To find the Underpass, head to the southwest of Neo Tilted in map reference D6.
Found inside a metal llama building
The metal llama is up on the hill to the north of Junk Junction. I’d recommend going there straight from the Battle Bus. The actual Fortbyte is inside the llama’s belly.
Found at any of the first three storm circles
This is a little confusingly worded, but all you need to do is gauge where the middle of the storm circle is on the map and you’ll be able to see what you’re looking for. There’s a lightning bolt symbol that directs you where to go.
Accessible with Vega inside a spaceship building
Vega unlocks at level 47 on the Battle Pass, so once you’ve got her equip the skin from the locker and jump into a match. The Spaceship building is found at map reference D8, and the actual Fortbyte is found in the tail end.
Somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot
This Fortbyte is found in the wooden hut just to the west of the Wind Tunnel entrance in map reference G6. No special stuff needed, just break your way into the hut and collect your prize.
Found within an RV Park
The RV park is over in the east side of the map, between the map references I5-I6. You’ll find the Fortbyte on the north side of the park.
Use Nana Nana spray inside a molten tunnel
You’ll find this Fortbyte in map reference G4 at the end of the lava stream coming from the volcano. The Nana Nana spray unlocks at Tier 57 on the Battle Pass. All you need to do is use the spray over the top of the greyed out Fortbyte and it will unlock.
Use Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance bar
Laid back shuffle doesn’t unlock until the heady heights of Tier 95 on the Battle Pass. But once it’s in your locker head to map reference E9 – where Flush Factory used to be – and look for the largest building. The Fortbyte appears in the middle of the dance floor when you use the emote.
Accessible with the Stratus outfit in an abandoned mansion
To get this one, you’ll have to reach Tier 71 on the Battle Pass to unlock Stratus. Equip the skin, then head into a game. The abandoned mansion is in the east of the island south of Lonely Lodge and north of the desert racetrack. On the south side of the building, you’ll find the Fortbyte on the ground floor.
Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted
Jump into a match and glide over to Neo Tilted. The highest building is the one that has a rotating Peely banner on the top. On the northern side of the building is an opening that you can glide through, and the Fortbyte is just to your right.
Found beneath a circling jungle parrot in Fortnite
To snag this Fortbyte, head over to the jungle to the south of Sunny Steps. Over the top of the tree canopy, close to Lonely Lodge, you’ll see a bird flying over the top of the tree canopy. Swoop down below it and find the prize next to a tree.
Accessible by skydiving through rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped
First, head into your locker and make sure you’ve equipped the Vibrant Contrails. They’re the ones you get for reaching level 26 on the Battle Pass.
Now head into a match and wait until the Battle Bus is close to Lazy Lagoon. High in the air you’ll see a pink ring near the centre of Lazy Lagoon. Jump out of the bus and line up your character with the ring.
As you pass through one, another will appear, then another. Then when you’ve done about five, one will appear with Fortbyte 70 inside for you to skydive and collect.
Accessible by using Sunbird Spray on a Frozen Waterfall
To complete this one, make sure you equip the Sunbird spray – which you unlock at level 26 on the Battle Pass – then jump into a match.
Head to the Viking Village southeast of Snobby Shores and look for the frozen waterfall on the southern side.
At the bottom of the first ledge you’ll find the fortbtye, which you just have to spray with Sunbird to unlock!
Found inside a Stone Pig building
This giant stone pig can be found in the South of the map near Lucky Landing. Smash open a hole with your pickaxe to get your Fortbyte.
Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building
Head to Neo Tilted for this Fortbyte. Go to the car park at the insurance building and look for the diorama of meteors falling and Kevin the Cube to find it.
Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano rim
Using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe, available from tier 38 of the Battle Pass, fly to the rim of the volcano and hit the boulder with your pickaxe to get your Fortbyte.
Found at a location hidden within the Week 4 loading screen
Head to Paradise Palms and go to the Keyboard King building to find this Fortbyte.
Found somewhere within map location J3
Head to the co-ordinate J3 and you’ll see a Fortbyte in the trees.
Found within an arcade
Head to the Mega Mall and head to the arcade on the second floor. A Fortbyte can be found beside the fridge filled with drinks.
Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin’s basement on the desert coast.
It’s back to Paradise Palms again, this time to the East of the word Palms. Head into the grey house and use your pickaxe to break through the floor then smash open the filing cabinet to get your Fortbyte.
A Fortbyte can be found at the meteor crater overlook at Dusty Divot
Head to Dusty Divot and enter the building that overlooks the crater to find this Fortbyte.
Fortbyte can be found by the taco stand in the racetrack North of Paradise Palms
Head to the taco stand in Paradise Palms and check beside the cashier desk to find your Fortbyte.
Accessible with the Kyo Back Bling at the Northernmost point on the map
Head East then North of Junk Junction to find this section of the map. Have the Kyo backing equipped and you’ll see the Fortbyte beside the North sign.
Accessible by visiting the mountain top castle ruins at night
For this Fortbyte, visit the castle in Haunted Hills at night and head to the throne room. The Fortbyte can be found directly across from it in a small hallway.
Accessible by using Tomatohead Emote inside the Durr Burger restaurant
Head to the centre of Neo Tilted to find the Durr Burger restaurant. The Tomatohead emote is unlocked at level three in the Battle Pass, so go ahead and use it near the fryers to get the Fortbyte.
Found in a desert house with too many chairs
Head back to Paradise Palms for this Fortbyte and go to the house in the southernmost part of the area. You’ll find the Fortbyte beside a bed.
Awarded for completing six challenges from Week 3
Simply complete six challenges from the Week 3 playlist.
Accessible with Yay! Emote at an ice cream shop in the desert
Visit the ice cream parlour in the North of Paradise Palms. Get behind the counter and use the Yay! emote to get your Fortbyte.
Found within Salty Springs
Head over to the red truck on its side in Salty Springs to find the latest Fortbyte.
Use the “Cuddle Up” emote inside a Rocky Umbrella
You’re looking for a hole in the ground that’s shaped like an umbrella west of Lazy Lagoon or South of The Block. You’ll find number seven on a little ledge above the cave entrance, so climb up and use the Cuddle Up emote to get it.
Found within Junk Junction
Head to the main building in Junk Junction and you’ll find the Fortbyte on top of a mattress and some palettes.
Accessible by Rox on top of Stunt Mountain
Just like the very first location Fortbyte you have to equip a specific skin for this one, so head into your Locked and equip the tier 1 Battle Pass skin, Rox.
Stunt Mountain is over in the west of the map, south of Pleasant Park and northwest of Neo Tilted!
You’ll find the Fortbyte right on top, so it’s worthwhile to drop in here right from the start of the game.
Found inside Wooden Fish building
You can find this Fortbyte in the giant wooden fish in the geyser field to the north of Pressure Plant.
The actual Fortbyte itself is found in the tail of the fish, on its eastern side.
Accessible in the daytime near a Mountain Top Cactus Wedge
This is an interesting one, because it seems to be linked to the length of time that has elapsed during a match.
To find the Fortbyte itself, you need to go to the southeast of Paradise Palms and land on top of the mountain marked on the map below.
You can then see the Fortbyte in the skeleton at the southern edge of the platform.
If you go there right at the start of a game, the Fortbyte seems to be locked, but after about a minute or so has elapsed it unlocks.
Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of The Block
To solve the pressure plate puzzle to the northwest of The Block, you will need a full squad of four players or three helpful strangers!
You can find the pressure plate puzzle next to the trees between map reference C1 and D1 in the top left corner of the map:
When you get there, three players will have to stand on the buttons you see on the floor:
You can then take turns for the 4th player to collect the Fortbyte, then take someone’s place on the pressure plate.
Found within Haunted Hills
The latest Fortbyte location is in the northeast of Haunted Hills!
Head over to the L-shaped building in the northeast of the area and search around the corner and you can collect it with no additional requirements.
Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall
First off, before you can complete this one, you need to go into the locker and make sure you have the “Rock Love” spray equipped. You get it for reaching free tier 2 on the Season 9 Battle Pass.
Once that’s done, head to the lava flow running south out of Pressure Plant.
Down from the first drop, you’ll find the nearly invisible Fortbyte location. To collect it just use the Rock Love spray on top of it – you don’t need to spray anywhere special.
Found between a Reboot Van, Pirate Camp, and a Crashed Battlebus
This Fortbyte location is to the northwest of Lazy Lagoon. From the Pirate Ship, jump into the water and head west into the jungle.
You’ll find the Fortbyte in the centre of a clearing at the coordinates in the screenshot below:
Accessible by Sentinel on a frozen island
The Fortbyte that you’re going to have to go out of your way to find the most in this first drop is: “Accessible by Sentinel on a frozen island”.
To grab it, you first need to equip the Sentinel skin that you get from the first tier of the Season 9 Battle Pass.
Then drop into a match and head over to the extreme southwest of the Fortnite Map. Off the southern edge of the island you’ll see a couple of islands. On the westernmost island you’ll find the nearly invisible Fortbyte near the southern edge.
Walk over and interact with it to claim your prize.
Back in the menu, you’ll unlock the first square of the mysterious picture as your reward.
Location in Loading Screen 2
You don’t actually need to have unlocked Loading Screen 2 to grab this Fortbyte! (Cred to Daniel Myers in the comments!) Simply head to the south of Paradise Palms, near the pink dinosaur.
Just behind it, you’ll see a house with a portable toilet out back. Hit the portable toilet with your axe and you’ll be able to collect the elusive item.
Found within Fatal Fields
Over on the west side of Fatal Fields you’ll find a two storey house.
On the second floor in the room with a desk, you’ll find the Fortbyte in the corner.
For more on this week’s Fortnite challenges, here’s how to Visit Sky Platforms.
If you’re more of an explorer, check out the Season 9 map changes!
Fortnite Season 9 Weekly challenges
You can check out all the Fortbyte locations here.
The post Fortnite: Fortbyte locations Guide – Every single challenge in one place appeared first on VG247.
from VG247 https://ift.tt/2yugSXa
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