Saturday, December 12, 2020

Star Wars Squadrons free update adds two new Starfighters

Star Wars Squadrons update 4.0 has been deployed.

The December update for Star Wars Squadrons is live, and it not only includes bug fixes but two new Starfighters.

These starfighters feature one for the New Republic and the Galactic Empire. The New Republic gets the B-wing Starfighter and the Galactic Empire receives the TIE/d “Defender” multi-role Starfighter.

The B-wing is categorized as a Bomber-class Starfighter and the TIE defender is a Fighter.

With the update also comes custom matches which will allow one to five players per side across two teams to play on any maps on both Dogfight and Fleet Battles.

You can look over the general patch notes below, but you will still probably want to click that link and have a look at the table.

Star Wars Squadrons update 4.0


  • Added Custom Games and a server browser, available in the Multiplayer & Training menu
  • Adjusted Skill Rating requirements for each tier via server-side change last week (see below for full details)
  • Updated Skill Rating gain/loss ratios to better reflect each player’s performance in a match via server-side change last week
  • Ongoing server-side matchmaking improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash if the player didn’t skip through the outro screens of a match
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when loading into Fostar Haven
  • Fixed an issue where having Lighting quality set to Low could create intense flashes of light on Fostar Haven
  • Fixed an issue where AI in multiplayer could on occasion deal no hull damage to players with their primary weapons
  • Fixed or improved instances of poor collision detection on Fostar Haven, Galitan, Esseles, Nadiri Dockyards, Zavian Abyss, and Sissubo
  • Fixed issue where the interior of the TIE interceptor could disappear after respawning
  • Fixed issue where Star Destroyer engine VFX could flicker
  • Fixed an issue where PlayStation 5 visuals appeared blurry.


  • Fixed an issue where at times players could not see their own stats on the Career page


  • Added support for TrackIR on PC
  • Improved how the game detects and handles device inputs under the same device name
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not detect all input devices if multiple were plugged in
  • Fixed issue where PC users with more than 5 input devices were unable to adjust device order in some cases
  • Added controller rumble for ion cannon, assault shield, and beam cannon
  • Fixed an issue where the mini-stick input on the Hori HOTAS for Xbox One did not work properly
  • Added the option to toggle game controllers between dynamic (default) and static throttle. This option can be used to correct the behavior of the throttle on certain input devices, such as the Hori HOTAS for PS4.

Cosmetic Customization

  • Added new cosmetics that will be rolled out over time through in-game events and Operations
  • Improved lighting for dashboard figures where needed
  • Fixed issue where an Astromech-shaped hole could appear in the decorative UI elements around the “Powerful Ally” X-wing skin

Fleet Battles

  • Fixed an issue where on occasion no indicator would display after a capital ship was destroyed
  • Reduced the max time waiting in the briefing room from 120 seconds to 90 seconds
  • Fixed an issue where Titan One could have a hologram effect on their legs in the briefing room


  • Fixed an issue where there was no UI indicator on some spawned New Republic squadrons


  • Friends will now display in alphabetical order for easier use
  • Improved the loading time of the friends list for players with many friends


  • Fixed an issue where all the players could appear as the same one in the intro cinematic

Starfighters & Components

  • Added the B-wing to the New Republic fleet
    • Heavy Gunship playstyle, back-line fighter
    • Low maneuverability, relies on boosting/drifting to move and turn efficiently
    • High durability and primary damage output, explosive capital ship damage and built-in ion cannons
    • Relies on Support/allies to reach capital ships and survive while dealing damage
    • Ideal for staying back behind Fighters/Interceptors and laying down heavy fire on enemy ships
    • Unique component: Ion Beam
      • Deals massive ion damage to capital ship shields and subsystems
    • Unique component: Gyro/Aux Control Module
      • Allows gyroscopic cockpit roll while holding the auxiliary button, rotating the entire ship around your cockpit. Wing angle determines bomb release angle. Missile evasion is also increased while gyroscopic roll is in motion.
      • Also increases ammo count for auxiliaries that use ammo; otherwise, improves auxiliary cooldown rate.
  • Added the TIE defender to the Imperial Navy
    • Highly adaptable anti-starfighter specialist, front- and mid-line fighter
    • High survivability with strong shields but very susceptible to ion weaponry
    • Requires frequent, skillful power management and use of boost/drift for ideal performance; poor power management can be detrimental
    • Unique component: Advanced Power System
      • Gives instant, significant overcharge to the system with max power. If no system has max power, gives weaker overcharge across all systems.
  • Deployable turrets (both standard and rocket) now display their DPS.
  • Fixed an issue where a rocket could have no effect on impact
  • We’ve updated the Deployable Turret’s description to be clearer on how it functions in-game
  • Fixed an issue where there could be no reloading sound effect for components
  • Tactical Shield and Emergency Shield are now displayed on the targeting computer around the starfighter in New Republic ships (already present for Imperial starfighters) instead of on the status indicator to allow for side by side comparison between the temporary shield and regular shields when cycling allies or enemies
  • Reduced A-wing shield regeneration rate by approximately 1/3
  • The Rotary Cannon no longer consumes laser power during its windup
  • Fixed an issue where a starfighter’s movement could become jerky while firing the Rotary Cannon
  • Reduced Ion Missile travel speed from 400m/s to 240m/s to fall in line with other missiles
  • Fixed an issue where players could exploit power converter penalties and reset them when setting power management to Balanced
  • Players now take +50% damage if they are hit while charging the Plasburst Cannon to enforce its role as a “chase” weapon rather than a “jousting” weapon
  • Improved VFX clarity when the Plasburst Cannon is fully charged
  • Fixed issue where beam VFX could disappear if the player repeatedly tapped the button
  • Fixed an issue where the starfighter disabled effects would not show up correctly in the U-wing
  • Fixed an issue where starfighters could hit a negative turning rate
  • Increased Piercing Torpedo inner blast radius from 2 to 14 to allow it to deal more consistent damage.


  • Fixed an issue where the game could load infinitely as Mission 1 ended
  • Fixed an issue where some players couldn’t progress past the objective to “Follow Gunny” in Mission 1
  • Fixed an issue where the drifting tutorial couldn’t be completed with arrow keys on PC in Mission 3.


  • Individual sub-tiers in the rank ladder now display their SR requirements
  • Fixed an issue where the defeated player’s username would display very small in the kill cam
  • Fixed an issue where text would inconsistently display as outlined when it shouldn’t
  • Fixed an issue where the prompt to leave the briefing room could continue into the intro cinematic and game
  • “Recenter HMD” VR input is now appropriately displayed on the PC controls screen
  • Added a few new loading screen tips related to the new content.


  • Fixed an issue where ships could pop into view midway through the hangar enter/exit cinematics while playing in VR
  • Fixed an issue where doubled images could occur when tracking points in PSVR while rotating the in-game camera.


  • Fixed an issue where the player could load into Esseles instead of Fostar Haven when playing against AI.

The post Star Wars Squadrons free update adds two new Starfighters appeared first on VG247.

from VG247

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