Friday, April 9, 2021

Best Outriders Mods | All Equipment Mods and how to get them

One of the outstanding features of Outriders is its mod system, which allows you to break down any weapon or armour piece for its mods and reapply them to other items.

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There are hundreds of mods in this game, spanning approximately fourteen different categories when broken down by item type, quality tiers, and the character classes that can equip them. This amount of variety can be overwhelming; so in this guide we’ll be outlining all the different mods by group, as well as recommending some of our favourites.

Best Outriders Mods — Our favourites

There are three tiers of mods in Outriders — and as you might expect, mods from Tier 3 tend to be the most desirable. However, thanks to the fact that they can only be harvested from Legendary items, they’re also the hardest to get hold of.

It would be a mistake to assume that Tier 1 mods don’t have any special advantages; some of them grant benefits that you’ll want to keep on using even in the late-game.

For our money, the best mods you can apply from early on in the game are the ones that let you use your skills for longer before triggering a cooldown period, or reduce the cooldown time for the skill. These include:

  • For Devastator class: Crush Sequence, Extra Quake, Give Me More, Impaler, Primal Rage, Spike Forest (Tier 1); Double Jump and Ultimate Impaler (Tier 3)
  • For Pyromancer class: ETNA, Extra Mag, Fire Frenzy, Pompeii, Ride The Wave, Tidal Wave (Tier 1); Detonator (Tier 3)
  • For Technomancer class: Better Parts/Bonus Duration, More Traps, Rain of Pain (Tier 1); Breathe In and Trap Cluster (Tier 3)
  • For Trickster class: Additional Mag, Cut Loose, Dance of Death, Duration, Slasher (Tier 1)

There’s also the Adrenaline mod at Tier 2, which gives you a powerful 50% reduction on cooldown time to all skills whenever your Health drops below 50%. A Tier 3 mod, Martial Arts, grants the same effect for all melee skills regardless of current Health

Outside of cooldown mods, Heal Per Kill (a Tier 1 Devastator mod) deserves special mention. Killing enemies with the Earthquake skill causes a health increase to all teammates within radius. It’s not the most powerful health-giving mod, but it is the only Tier 1 Armour mod that can potentially restore the health of multiple teammates, making it especially useful from early on.

Tier 1 Armour Mods

All Tier 1 Armour Mods are exclusive to one of the four character classes. No sharing, I’m afraid.

Tier 1 Armour Mods — Devastator Class

The following Tier 1 Armour Mods can only be equipped by Devastators:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Armor Boost Earthquake Grants you [#] points of Armor for each enemy affected by the skill. Effect lasts for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times. Lower Armour
Auto Reflect Reflect Bullets You can now fight while the skill is active, but you cannot manually deactivate the skill. It only negates 50% of the damage. Lower Armour
Bleeding Impulse Golem When the skill is active, spawn radial impulses that inflict Bleed on nearby enemies within a 6 meter radius. Frequency of 2 seconds. Footgear
Bleed Them All Endless Mass Inflicts Bleed on all the enemies pulled by the skill. Footgear
Blood Primer Reflect Bullets All the reflected bullets apply Bleed status. Upper Armour
Blood Shock Earthquake Inflicts Bleed on enemies affected by the skill. Headgear
Bloody Crush Gravity Leap Inflicts Bleed on enemies damaged by the skill. Gloves
Bone Crusher Endless Mass Increases the skill's damage by [#]. Lower Armour
Bullet Acceleration Reflect Bullets Increases the damage of reflected bullets by [#]. Gloves
Crush Sequence Tremor Receive 2 additional explosions. Upper Armour
Despair Gravity Leap Enemies within the damage radius of Gravity Leap will receive double Anomaly damage for 5 seconds. ?
Earth's Legacy Earthquake Increases the skill's range by 60%. Upper Armour
Extra Quake Earthquake The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. Upper Armour
Extra Time Reflect Bullets Increases the skill's duration by 20%. Footgear
Give Me More Tremor Receive 1 additional explosion. Footgear
Golem Of Death Golem When the skill is active, extend its duration by 1.5 seconds for each enemy killed. Upper Armour
Ground Crush Earthquake Increases the skill's base damage by 65. Gloves
Heal Per Kill Earthquake Each enemy killed with the skill restores 10% of Health to all allies in a 20 meter radius around you. Footgear
Hollow Point Reflect Bullets All the reflected bullets apply Vulnerable status. Lower Armour
Human Comet Gravity Leap Increase the skill's damage by X. Upper Armour
Human Fortress Tremor Receive X Health Regeneration and X Armor while the skill is active. Gloves
Impaler Impale The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. Footgear
Life Absorption Gravity Leap Heal for 100% of the damage dealt. If your target dies, heal for 200% damage dealt. Footgear
Mosh Pit Endless Mass Inflicts Vulnerable on all the enemies pulled by the skill. Headgear
Panzer Drain Earthquake Damaging enemies with the skill steals 33% of their Armor. Effect lasts for 5 seconds. Lower Armour
Perseverance Golem Increases the skill's duration by 50%. Headgear
Primal Armor Boulderdash Double your Armor when the skill ends for [#] seconds. Upper Armour
Primal Chain Boulderdash Every enemy damaged by the skill increases its damage by 10% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Lower Armour
Primal Constitution Boulderdash Each enemy you damage increases your Max Health by [#] for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Footgear
Primal Gutting Boulderdash Inflicts Bleed on all damaged enemies. Upper Armour
Primal Knuckle Duster Boulderdash Increases the skill's damage by [#]. Gloves
Primal Rage Boulderdash Reduces the skill’s Cooldown by 50%. Footgear
Resistance Golem When the skill is active, increase your Resistance by 33%. Upper Armour
Restoration Impale Increases the Health Regeneration bonus for players near impaled enemies. Lower Armour
Rivers of Blood Impale Increases the skill damage by 50% to enemies afflicted with Bleed. Lower Armour
Sharpened Spike Impale The skill deals [#] more damage. Footgear
Shattered Armor Endless Mass Increases Weapon Damage against affected enemies by 10% for 10 seconds. Gloves
Spike Forest Impale The skill can strike 1 additional target. Headgear
Stolen Life Tremor Increases the percentage healed per affected enemy by 6%. ?
The Strongest First Reflect Bullets The enemy with the most health takes 50% more damage. Headgear
Vlad's Grasp Impale Increases the skill's range by 25%. Lower Armour

Tier 1 Armour Mods — Pyromancer Class

The following Tier 1 Armour Mods can only be equipped by Pyromancers:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Anomaly Hunger Feed the Flames Increases the skill's damage by the value of your Skill Leech. Lower Armour
Armor Melting Volcanic Rounds Decreases the target's Armor by 20% for 10 seconds. Upper Armour
Ash Grasp Thermal Bomb Inflict Ash on enemies within a 7.5 meter radius of an enemy that is about to explode from Thermal Bomb. Footgear
Big Boom Thermal Bomb Increases the explosion radius by 20%. Headgear
Blacksmith Overheat Each status condition consumed by the skill grants [#] Armor bonus for 8 seconds. Gloves
Bullet Absorption Feed the Flames Replenishes 20% of ammo in your magazine for every enemy affected by the skill. Upper Armour
Burning Ground Thermal Bomb Exploding targets leave behind a patch of burning ground. All enemies within this area are afflicted with Burn and will receive [#] damage over 10 seconds. Lower Armour
Burnt-Out Heatwave Damaged enemies take 25% more damage for 8 seconds. Lower Armour
Cinders Overheat The skill consumes Ash instead of Burn. Lower Armour
Debris Eruption Throws damaging debris at enemies dealing an additional [#] damage. ?
Ember Shield Overheat Each status consumed by the skill increases your Resistance by 10% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Headgear
Empowerment Ash Blast Skill deals [#] additional damage. ?
ETNA Eruption The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. Gloves
Extinguisher Ash Blast Apply [#] damage to an enemy afflicted with Burn and consume the status. ?
Extra Mag Volcanic Rounds The skill is effective for one additional magazine before triggering the cooldown. Lower Armour
Final Breath Feed the Flames Health drain efficiency is increased by 25%. Upper Armour
Fire Eater Feed the Flames Increases Health drain efficiency against targets afflicted with Burn by 150%. Headgear
Fire Frenzy Thermal Bomb The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. Gloves
Giga-blast Eruption Increases the skill's radius by 100%. ?
Heat Leech Heatwave Increase Skill Leech by 10% for 5 seconds after using this skill. Footgear
Hellfire Heatwave If the skill damages 3 enemies, all subsequent enemies will receive additional 25 damage. Footgear
Increased Duration Eruption Increases the skill’s duration by 50%. ?
Inferno Wave Heatwave Increases damage dealt to enemies from Heatwave. Headgear
Irradiation Wave Heatwave Inflicts Weakness on enemies affected by the skill. Gloves
Lasting Fire Thermal Bomb Increase the time in which killing an affected enemy will cause an explosion by 3 seconds. Headgear
Nova Feed the Flames Increases the skill’s range by 100%. Footgear
Pants On Fire Overheat Increase by [#] the damage to enemies who were damaged by the skill, but did not have their status consumed. Gloves
Phoenix Force Overheat Earn additional [#] Anomaly Power per status consumed by the skill for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times. Footgear
Pompeii Eruption The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. ?
Pure Power F.A.S.E.R Beam Increases the skill's damage by [#]. ?
Radiation Flames Volcanic Rounds Enemies damaged with the skill are afflicted with Weakness. ?
Reload Boost Volcanic Rounds A powerful, 50% Weapon Power bonus is granted after the skill ends for 5 seconds. Headgear
Ride The Wave Heatwave The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. Lower Armour
Sunburnt Overheat Increase by [#] the damage to enemies that have their statuses consumed by the skill. ?
Third Degree Overheat Increase Weapon Damage against enemies damaged by the skill by 25% for 8 seconds. Upper Armour
Tidal Wave Heatwave The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. Upper Armour
True Blast Thermal Bomb Increases explosion damage by [#]. Gloves
Volcanic Armor F.A.S.E.R Beam Reduces incoming Anomaly Damage by 25% and Weapon Damage by 25% when the skill is active. Footgear
Volcanic Dust Eruption Inflict Ash on enemies within a 5 meter radius of the targeted enemy. ?
Wide Grip Feed the Flames Enables absorption of one additional target. Footgear
Wildfire Thermal Bomb The skill inflicts Burn on every enemy damaged by the explosion. Lower Armour

Tier 1 Armour Mods — Technomancer Class

The following Tier 1 Armour Mods can only be equipped by Technomancers:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Advanced Rockets Pain Launcher Every rocket deals [#] more damage. Gloves
Armor Reduction Blighted Turret The turret reduces the Armor of each enemy it hits by 20%. Effect lasts for 5 seconds. ?
Bang for your Buck Tool of Destruction Activating the skill grants a 100% base ammo increase for the selected tool. Upper Armour
Better Parts Blighted Turret Increases the turret's duration by 50%. ?
Bonus Duration Cryo Turret Extend the turret's duration by 30%. Footgear
Cleansing Wind Fixing Wave Activating the skill removes negative statuses from allies and grants 5 seconds immunity from them. ?
Cold Purification Cold Snap Skill activation removes negative statuses from you and all your allies in range and receives negative status immunity for 5 seconds. ?
Critical Analysis Blighted Rounds Increases Critical Damage by 30%. Footgear
Demolition Man Tool of Destruction Each rocket deals [#] more damage. Gloves
Feedback Tool of Destruction 3% of the damage dealt using the Minigun heals you after the ability ends. ?
Fine-Tuned Scrapnel Increases the detection and explosion radius by 33%. Gloves
Fortify Tool of Destruction Activate skill grants an Armor bonus based off of the level of the item this mod is attached to. Upper Armour
Freeze Barrage Pain Launcher Inflict Freeze on enemies affected by each rocket explosion. Gloves
Hail Shot Cryo Turret Increase the turret's damage based on your Status Power. Upper Armour
Ice Component Blighted Turret The turret now inflicts Freeze instead of Toxic. ?
Ice Pack Cryo Turret The turret heals allies by 30% Max Health within a 4 meter radius when the ability ends. Footgear
Increase Damage Cryo Turret Every turret's shot deals extra [#] damage. Headgear
Initial Blast Pain Launcher Causes a small explosion, dealing [#] damage in a 5 meter radius when the skill is activated. Headgear
More Damage Scrapnel Increases the skill's damage by [#]. Lower Armour
More Traps Scrapnel 1 additional mine can be thrown before triggering the cooldown. Headgear
No Pain, No Gain Blighted Rounds When the skill ends, 40% of damage dealt by the skill is turned into healing and spread equally among allies. Upper Armour
Portable Armory Tool of Destruction You can fire 1 additional rockets. Lower Armour
Rain of Pain Pain Launcher Decreases the skill's cooldown by 34%. ?
Spare Mag Blighted Rounds The skill is effective for one additional magazine before triggering the cooldown. Lower Armour
Supplies Scrapnel 1 additional mine can be thrown before triggering the cooldown. Footgear
Surprise Cryo Turret The turret explodes before being destroyed, dealing [#] damage in 6 meter radius. Gloves
Trick Up The Sleeve Blighted Rounds While the skill is active, killing shots grant you 30% extra bullets in your mag. Gloves
Untouchable Tool of Destruction Activating the Minigun grants 15% Resistance bonus. ?

Tier 1 Armour Mods — Trickster Class

The following Tier 1 Armour Mods can only be equipped by Tricksters:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
A Little Bit of Pain Time Rift Using the skill deals damage to targets over 10 seconds Lower Armour
Additional Mag Twisted Rounds The skill is effective for 2 magazines before triggering the cooldown. Upper Armour
Anomalic Caliber Twisted Rounds Receive 30% Resistance Piercing bonus while the skill is active. Upper Armour
Anomaly Cut Venator's Knife Shots on enemies marked by the knife receive [#] Anomaly damage. ?
Apply Shield Temporal Blade Killing enemies with Temporal Blade grants 5% of Shield. Headgear
Armor of Eons Borrowed Time Activating the skill increases your Armor by 100% for 10 seconds. Lower Armour
Backstabber Hunt the Prey Using the skill deals [#] damage to the enemy you teleported behind. Gloves
Big Range Slow Trap Increases the sphere's range by 1 meters. Gloves
Blue Blood Twisted Rounds Receive 10% Weapon Leech bonus while the skill is active. Lower Armour
Cut Loose Temporal Blade Reduces the skill's cooldown by 20%. Gloves
Damage Mitigation Slow Trap Allies within the sphere receive 20% less damage. ?
Dance of Death Hunt the Prey Decreases Hunt the Prey’s cooldown. Upper Armour
Delivery on Time Slow Trap Activating the skill replenishes ammo for the current weapon of all allies in range. ?
Double Stop Temporal Blade Increases the duration of the inflicted paralysis by 100%. Footgear
Double Time Time Rift Enemies are suspended in the air 2 times longer. ?
Duration Cyclone Slice Adds 5 seconds to the skill's duration. Footgear
Eager Edges Venator's Knife Adds two more bounces during the ricochet path. Headgear
Grand Bastion Cyclone Slice Using the skill reduces incoming Weapon damage and Anomaly damage by 40%. ?
Healing Slice Cyclone Slice Receive 47 Health for each enemy killed with the skill. Gloves
Misery Venator's Knife Increases the skill's mark duration by 100% Footgear
No Escape Venator's Knife Increases the skill’s effective range between targets by 25%. ?
Radiation Jump Hunt the Prey Inflict Vulnerable to the enemy you teleport behind. Upper Armour
Sharpening Venator's Knife Increases the skill’s damage by [#]. Footgear
Shield Evoker Cyclone Slice Killing enemies with the skill grants 5% Shield. Headgear
Slasher Temporal Blade The skill can be activated 1 more time before triggering the cooldown. Lower Armour
Speed Boost Slow Trap Allies within the sphere receive 2% movement speed bonus. Lower Armour
Speed Up Cyclone Slice Allows 25% faster movement while the skill is active. Headgear
Strong Slice Temporal Blade Increases the skill's damage by [#]. Lower Armour
Strong Twist Twisted Rounds While the skill is active, increases the weapon’s Firepower by an additional 15%. Headgear
Thunder Dome Slow Trap Receive 100% Shield when the skill ends. Lower Armour
Time Blast Hunt the Prey Apply Slow in 5 meter radius around the enemy you teleport behind. ?
Time Crack Time Rift Enemies affected by the skill have both their Armor and Resistance decreased by 25% for 5 seconds. Footgear
Time Space Protection Borrowed Time Receive [#] Armor and 30% Resistance bonus while the skill is active. ?
Twisted Fate Twisted Rounds Receive 30% Critical Damage bonus while the skill is active. Headgear
Ultimate Big Range Slow Trap Increases the sphere range by 2 meters. Upper Armour
Weakening The Prey Hunt the Prey Interrupt and inflict Weakness to the enemy you teleport behind. Footgear
Weakening Zone Slow Trap Enemies entering the sphere are afflicted with Weakness. Footgear
Weaklings Cyclone Slice Inflicts Weakness on enemies hit by the skill. Upper Armour

Tier 2 Armour Mods

All but one of the Tier 2 Armour Mods can be equipped by any character class.

Tier 2 Armour Mods — All Classes

The following Tier 2 Armour Mods can be equipped by a character of any class. At the time of writing, it seems that this is true for all but a single Tier 2 Armour Mod (see next section).

Mod Name Description Found on...
Adrenaline Whenever your Health drops below 50% all your skill cooldowns are reduced by 50%. ?
Ash Cleaner Critical Shots apply an extra [#] damage to enemies afflicted with Ash. ?
Ashen Boost Boosts your damage against enemies afflicted with Ash by 20%. ?
Aura of Force Killing enemies with critical shots grants [#] Anomaly Power to you and your allies for 10 seconds. ?
Blazing Aegis Killing enemies afflicted with Burn increases your Armor by [#] for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. ?
Bloody Boost Boosts your damage against enemies afflicted with Bleed by 15%. ?
Blood Potion Critical shots towards enemies in Close Range afflicted with Bleed increases your Health Regeneration by [#] for 5 seconds. ?
Bullet Kindling Deal 20% more damage against enemies afflicted by Burn. ?
Critstack Critical shots build up a 5 second stacking effect that grants you [#] Anomaly Power and [#] Firepower bonuses. Stacks up to 5 times. ?
Diffuse Sprinting increases your Armor by [#] and Resistance by 50%. ?
Exposing Strike Killing an enemy with Melee inflicts Vulnerable on enemies within a 10 meter radius around you. ?
Freezing Boost Boosts your damage against enemies afflicted with Freeze by 15%. ?
Ice Trap Whenever your Health drops below 30% Freeze is inflicted on enemies within a 10 meter radius. 5 second cooldown. ?
Mitigation From Death Killing enemies while aiming down sights grants [#] points of Armor for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. ?
Move Groove Moving increases your Anomaly Power by [#] and Firepower by [#]. Lower Armour
Perseverance Fists Whenever your Health drops below 30% increase your Melee damage by 300%. ?
Perseverance Shield Receive [#] points of Shield whenever your Health drops below 30%. Cooldown of 5 seconds. ?
Personal Space Grants you a 15% bonus to close range weapon damage. ?
Phantom Dash During combat your default roll is replaced with Phantom Dash which enables you to quickly pass through enemies. ?
Plate Dodge Rolling increases your Armor by [#] for 5 seconds. ?
Plate Piercer Increases your Critical Damage by [#]%, the bonus is equal to 50% of your Armor Piercing. ?
Power From The Ashes Killing shots on enemies afflicted with Ash increase your Anomaly Power by [#] for 20 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times. ?
Radical Therapy Deal 15% more damage against enemies afflicted by Toxic. ?
Rejuvenation Receive [#] Firepower, [#] Anomaly Power and [#] Armor bonus for 8 seconds whenever your Health is replenished. Cooldown of 10 seconds. ?
Reload Shield When a Shield is active, reloading grants you [#] points of Shield. 5 second cooldown. ?
Savor The Feeble Increases the duration of Weakness by 50% when it is inflicted on enemies. ?
Seismic Impulse A seismic impulse is generated every 6 seconds, dealing [#] damage to enemies within a 5 meter radius around you. ?
Shield Blast A complete Shield depletion triggers a powerful energy blast, dealing [#] damage to enemies within a 5 meter radius. ?
Shield Zap When your Shield is active, it spawns an electric shock around you dealing [#] damage to up to 2 enemies within a 5-meter radius. Cooldown of 5 seconds. ?
Sidearms Specialist Increases damage dealt with Sidearm weapons by 10%. ?
Stand Tall Receive [#] Anomaly Power and [#] Firepower when out of cover for more than 5 seconds. ?
Thirst for Blood Killing enemies with a weapon while they're afflicted with Bleed increases your Weapon Leech by 40% for 10 seconds. ?
Toxic Piercer The effectiveness of Toxic is increased by 17%, the bonus is equal to 100% of your Armor Piercing. ?
Trample The Weak Deal 10% more damage against enemies afflicted by Weakness. ?
Twice as Hot Whenever a skill is used, inflict extra [#] damage to all enemies afflicted with Burn. ?
Ultimate Paragon Increases your Armor by [#] for each ally in Close Range. ?
Untamed Power Using skills deals [#] damage to enemies within a 5 meter radius around you, the damage is equal to 30% of your Anomaly Power. ?
Vein Ripper Critical shots inflict Bleed on enemies. ?
What Goes Around Incoming bullets have 20% chance of being deflected towards an enemy dealing [#] damage. ?

Tier 2 Armour Mods — Trickster Class

So far as we currently know, only one Tier 2 Armour Mod is class locked. And of course, the honour goes to the Tricksters — presumably so named because they’ve tricked me into adding an extra table just for this one mod!

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Pain Transfer Time Rift Damage dealt to one affected enemy will be transferred to another affected enemy. ?

Tier 3 Armour Mods

Tier 3 Armour Mods are a mix of class-specific and non-class-specific.

Tier 3 Armour Mods — All Classes

The following Tier 3 Armour Mods can be equipped by all character classes.

Mod Name Description Found on...
Anomaly Echo Grants [#] firepower and [#] anomaly power bonus on skill activation for [#] seconds. ?
Brawl Boosts your Melee skill damage by 100%. Lower Armour
Captain Hunter Increases your damage against Elites by 25%. ?
Head of the Ward Reviving an ally also fully restores their Health. ?
Introvert Increases the range at which enemies are considered to be in Close Range by [#] meters. ?
Life of the Party Incoming damage is reduced by 5% for each enemy in Close Range. Stacks up to 8 times. ?
Martial Arts Reduces the cooldown of your melee skill by 50%. ?
Not Impressed Reduces the damage taken from Elites by 20%. ?
Power Assimilation Boosts your Anomaly Power by [#] for each Elite present on the battlefield. ?
Sharp Eye Killing enemies while aiming down sights grants you [#] Firepower for 20 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. ?
Stare Into the Barrel Grants a moderate Firepower increase for each enemy in Close Range. Stacks up to 5 times. ?

Tier 3 Armour Mods — Devastator Class

The following Tier 3 Armour Mods can exclusively be equipped by Devastator characters:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Double Jump Gravity Leap Skill can be used twice before triggering the cooldown. Marshal's Gauntlets
High Intensity Endless Mass Anomaly Damage against affected targets is increased by 33% for 5 seconds. Marshal's Armor
Increase Duration Reflect Bullets Increases the skill’s duration by 40%. ?
Palisade Impale The skill can strike 2 additional targets. ?
Primal Chaingun Boulderdash Every enemy damaged by the skill increased your Weapon Damage by 20% for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. ?
Primal Weakness Boulderdash Permanently reduce the Resistant of all affected enemies. ?
Ultimate Impaler Impale The skill can be activated 2 more times before triggering the cooldown. ?
Wide Horizons Endless Mass Increases the skill’s radius by 25%. Marshal's Helmet

Tier 3 Armour Mods — Pyromancer Class

The following Tier 3 Armour Mods can exclusively be equipped by Pyromancer characters:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Ashes and Leeches Ash Blast Using the skill increases your Weapon Leech bonus by [#]% for [#] seconds. ?
Branded Thermal Bomb Enemies affected by the skill receive 40% more damage. ?
Death Sentence Ash Blast Your Weapon Damage and Anomaly Damage against enemies affected by the skill are increased respectively by [#]% and [#]% for [#] seconds. ?
Detonator Overheat Decrease the skill’s cooldown by 50%. ?
Double Fun Thermal Bomb The skill can affect two targets. ?
Flame Grasper Feed the Flames Enables absorption of two additional targets. ?
Susceptibility Volcanic Rounds Decreases the Resistance of enemies damaged by the skill by [#]%. Torturer's Chest Piece

Tier 3 Armour Mods — Technomancer Class

The following Tier 3 Armour Mods can exclusively be equipped by Technomancer characters:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Breathe In Fixing Wave Reduces the skill’s cooldown by 20%. ?
Cannonade Pain Launcher Increases the number of rockets launched by 10. ?
Quartermaster Fixing Wave Activating the skill replenishes one weapon magazine for each ally. Cooldown of 45 seconds. ?
Rocket Man Tool of Destruction You can shoot 3 additional rockets. ?
Trap Cluster Scrapnel Doubles the number of mines that can be thrown before triggering the cooldown. ?

Tier 3 Armour Mods — Trickster Class

The following Tier 3 Armour Mods can exclusively be equipped by Trickster characters:

Mod Name Associated Skill Description Found on...
Aggressive Teleportation Borrowed Time Reverting time creates an explosion around you that inflicts damage to all enemies within 8 meters. ?
Ammo Bargain Twisted Rounds While the skill is active, killing shots replenish 20% of ammo in your magazine. ?
Boomerang Blades Venator's Knife After the initial ricochet, the knife will repeat its path and damage enemies a second time. Ugake Otarah's Waistcloth
Death Shell Borrowed Time Killing enemies while Borrowed Time is active reduces incoming Weapon Damage by 10% and Anomaly Damage by 10 % for 10 seconds, Buff is removed at the end of the skill. Stacks up to 4 times. ?
Shield of the Fallen Twisted Rounds When the skill ends, add 15% of your Maximum Health as Shields for each enemy killed by the skill. ?

Weapon Mods

Weapon Mods, unlike Armour Mods, are not class-specific: any Weapon Mod, once acquired, can be equipped by a character of any class.

Tier 1 Weapon Mods

Mod Name Description Found on...
Anomaly Surge Critical shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals [#] damage in 1.5 meter radius. ?
Ashen Bullets Successful shots inflict Ash on enemies. Cooldown of 8 seconds. ?
Bleeding Bullets Shots inflict Bleed on an enemy. Cooldown of 8 seconds. ?
Burning Bullets Successful shots may inflict Burn on enemies. Cooldown 8 seconds. ?
Clip Combustion Reloading weapon creates a shockwave, dealing [#] damage to enemies within a 5 meter radius. ?
Clip of Amalthea There is a 20% chance that a critical shot will not consume ammo. ?
Critical Point Increases the chance of scoring a critical shot by 15%. ?
Essence Thief Shots regenerate your Health. ?
Fireworks Shots create an explosion that deals [#] damage to enemies within a 6 meter radius. Cooldown of 3 seconds. ?
First Things First The first shot after every reload hits with Armor Piercing increased by 30%. ?
Freezing Bullets Shots inflict Freezing on an enemy. Cooldown of 8 seconds. ?
Fusion Blast Shots created a fusion blast, dealing [#] damage within a 5 meter radius. ?
Hot Blood Shots pass through enemies whose Health is below 50%, ricocheting to 3 enemies within a 5 meter radius and inflicting Burn. ?
Killer Medic Killing shots replenish 35 points of Health to allies within a 5 meter radius of the target. ?
Life Stock Reloading restores 72 points of Health for each enemy killed since your last reload without changing your weapon. ?
Proliferation Shots on enemies afflicted by a status condition inflict that status to the nearest enemy. ?
Ricochet Shots ricochet to another enemy within a 5 meter radius of the initial target. ?
Ruler of Leeches Killing shots increase Weapon Leech by 20% for 20 seconds. ?
Shield Maiden Shots generate Shield. Cooldown 1s. ?
Soul Devourer Killing shots regenerate some of your health. ?
Stiffening Shots inflict Slow on an enemy. Cooldown of 8 seconds. ?
Toxic Bullets Successful shots inflict Toxic on enemies. Cooldown of 8 seconds. ?
Vampire Killing shots grant 15% Skill Leech boost for 20 seconds. ?
Vulnerability Bullets Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies. Cooldown of 8 seconds. Camo SIREN-ARR, Voodoo Matchmaker
Weakening Bullets Shots inflict Weakness on enemies. Cooldown of 8 seconds. ?

Tier 2 Weapon Mods

Mod Name Description Found on...
Anomaly Enhancement Receive a passive Firepower boost equal to 30% of your Anomaly Power. ?
Bomb's Ahead Killing shots turn enemies into an Anomaly bomb, dealing damage. Cooldown of 3 seconds. The Migraine
Bone Shrapnel Killing shots detonate the enemy's bones and turn them into shrapnel that deals [#] damage and inflicts Bleed on enemies within a 5 meter radius. Cooldown of 1 second. ?
Brain-eater Critical shots do not consume ammo. Amber Vault, Molten Eidola
Claymore Shots damage an enemy with an Anomaly blade, dealing [#] damage. 4 second cooldown. ?
Clip Roller When your magazine has 50% or less ammo left, you can roll to quickly reload all your equipped weapons. ?
Crematorium Killing shots create an explosion that inflicts Ash on enemies within a 7 meter radius. ?
The Cycle Increase your weapon Damage by [#]%. The bonus is proportional to your Health Regeneration. ?
Damage Link Shots link up to [#] enemies, sharing 30% of their Weapon Damage dealt and [#]% of their Anomaly Damage dealt. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Death Chains Successful shots entangle an enemy with chains dealing [#] damage over 3 seconds. Cooldown of 2 seconds. The Reaper
Gale of Protection Killing shots grant you a bullet-stopping gale for 5 seconds. ?
Gravedigger's Frenzy Critical Shots increase your Critical Damage by 50% for 5 seconds. Cooldown of 10 seconds. ?
Icebreaker Killing shots against frozen enemies make them explode, dealing [#] damage. Ghost II "Blue Blood", The Iceberg
Improved Ashen Bullets Shots inflict Ash on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Improved Bleeding Bullets Successful shots inflict Bleed on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Improved Burning Bullets Successful shots inflict Burn on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Improved Freezing Bullets Successful shots inflict Freeze on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Improved Stiffening Shots inflict Slow on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. Grim Marrow, The Migraine, Setting Sun
Improved Toxic Bullets Successful shots inflict Toxic on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Improved Vulnerability Bullets Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Improved Weakening Bullets Shots inflict Weakness on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds. ?
Mark of the Stake Reloading weapon inflicts Burn on enemies previously wounded by this weapon without changing it. 1 second cooldown. ?
Minefield Killing shots spawn explosives around your target, each deals X damage in a 5 meter radius. 1 second cooldown. ?
Perpetuum Mobile You instantly replenish your mag if you kill an enemy with 35% or less ammo remaining in your mag. ?
Resistance Breaker Shots decrease your target's Resistance by 35% for 6 seconds. 1 second cooldown. ?
Snowsquall Reloading weapon inflicts Freeze on enemies previously wounded by this weapon without changing it. 1 second cooldown. ?
Storm Whip Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing [#] damage. Cooldown of 2 seconds. ?
Striga 30% of critical damage is returned to you as Health. Cooldown 0.1s ?
Vortex Chamber Reloading a weapon inflicts Slow on enemies previously wounded by this weapon without changing it. ?

Tier 3 Weapon Mods

Tier 3 Weapon Mods can only be obtained by breaking down Legendary weapons.

Mod Name Description Found on...
Anomaly Mutation Shots on enemies afflicted by any status condition multiplicates and mutates it into a different one. Cooldown of 1 second. Mindmugger
Body Snatcher Killing shots teleport another enemy to the place where the previous one died. Works within a 25 meter radius of the target. Body Snatcher
Burst of Decay Critical shots cause explosions that inflict Toxic on enemies within a 5 meter radius. Blightbearer, The Headhunter
Claymore Torrent Shots damage [#] enemies within a [#] meter radius with Anomaly blades, dealing [#] damage. Damascus Offering
Concentration Blast Killing shots cause enemies to explode, dealing [#] damage multiplied by the maximum number of [#] enemies within a 5 meter radius around the original target. Anomaly Effigy
Dark Sacrifice During combat, your weapon drains up to 50% of your Maximum Health, in exchange for 75% Weapon Damage bonus. Fatal Symbiont
Deadly Disturbance Critical shots activate an unstable Anomaly effect in your enemy causing him to explode, dealing [#] damage to other enemies within a 5 meter radius. Imploder
Dome of Protection Killing shots summon a bullet stopping dome for [#] seconds. Cooldown of 5 seconds. Master Tool
Embalmer's Rage For 5 seconds after a killing shot all following shots will be critical shots. The High Roller
Fortress Receive up to 43% damage bonus based on your Armor. Deathshield
Golem Rising Killing shots grant you a protective Golem effect for 3 seconds. Golem's Limb
Grand Opening Landing a hit with the first bullet in a magazine creates a powerful explosion, dealing [#] damage in a 5 metre radius. Darkness Charmer
Judgement Enforcer Shots mark enemies. When reloading, deal 5 times your weapon's damage to every marked enemy. Marks are removed when you change weapons. Torment & Agony
Killing Spree Killing shots increase damage by 30% for this weapon for 30 seconds. Bonus deteriorates with time and stacks up to 5 kills. Amber Vault
Kinetic Stomp Shots create a seismic shock around you, dealing [#] damage in a 5 meter radius. Cooldown of 3 seconds. Roaring Umbra
Legendary Minefield Critical shots spawn explosives around your target, which deals [#] damage in a 5 meter radius. Cooldown of 3 seconds. The Landlubber
Life and Death Killing shots create a blast that restores 33% of Health to players. Enoch's Blessing
Moaning Winds Reloading creates a strong blast around you, dealing [#] damage to enemies in range of 8 meters. Cooldown of 2 seconds. The Anemoi
Pinball Every critical shot ricochets to 4 enemies within a 5 meter radius, dealing weapon's double base damage. Lucky
Radiation Splash Reloading causes a small explosion that inflicts Vulnerable and deals [#] damage to enemies within a 5 metre radius. The Guillotine
Ravenous Locust Shots create a swarm of locusts, dealing [#] damage over 15 seconds and inflicting Weakness to enemies remaining within a 6 meter radius of the target. Cooldown of 2 seconds. Molten Eidola
Sandstorm Shots conjure a sandstorm dealing damage over time. Heir to the Desert
Scrap Grenade First shot after reload becomes an Anomaly projectile, dealing damage in a 5-meter radius. Cooldown 1 second. The Juggler
Shadow Comet Shots call down a comet, dealing [#] damage to enemies within a 3.5 meter radius. Cooldown: 3s. Funeral Pyre
Singularity Killing shots create an Anomaly singularity. When destroyed, the singularity explodes dealing damage to enemies within a 6.5 meter radius. Grim Marrow
Strings of Gauss Shots link up to 5 enemies in a 5 meter radius of the target and deal [#] electric damage to each of them. Cooldown of 4 seconds. Bolt & Thunder, Disintegrator
Ultimate Anomaly Surge Critical shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals [#] damage in a 2 meter radius. Cooldown 1s. The Bulwark, Icarus
Ultimate Ashen Bullets Shots inflict Ash on enemies. Cooldown of 1 second. The Wicker
Ultimate Bleeding Bullets Shots inflict Bleed on enemies. 1s cooldown. The Migraine
Ultimate Bone Shrapnel Critical shots detonate the enemy's bones and turning them into shrapnel that deals [#] damage and inflicts Bleed on enemies within a 5 meter radius. Cooldown of 3 seconds. Spirit Hunter
Ultimate Burning Bullets Shots inflict Burn on enemies. Shelrog's Excrescence
Ultimate Damage Link Shots link up to 3 enemies, sharing 30% of their Weapon Damage dealt and 10% of their Anomaly Damage dealt. Voodoo Matchmaker
Ultimate Freezing Bullets Shots inflict Freeze on enemies. Absolute Zero
Ultimate Stiffening Shots inflict Slow on enemies. Time Ripper
Ultimate Storm Whip Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing [#] damage. Cooldown: 1s. The Daimyo, Thunderbird
Ultimate Toxic Bullets Successful shots inflict Toxic on enemies. Cooldown of 1 second. Lucky Jinx
Ultimate Vulnerability Bullets Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies. Twisted Mercy
Ultimate Weakening Bullets Shots inflict Weakness on enemies. The Reaper
Weakness Trap Shots cause explosions, dealing [#] damage and inflicting Weakness on enemies within a 5 meter radius of the target. Cooldown of 3 seconds. Raróg's Gaze
Weightlessness Shots inflict Time Rift on enemies. Time Rift raises the enemy into the air for 5 seconds. Aerie Master
Winter Blast Critical shots create an icy blast that inflicts Freeze on enemies within a 4 meter radius. The Iceberg
Wrath of Moloch Critical hits cause an explosion, dealing [#] damage and inflicting Burn on enemies within a 5 meter radius. Cooldown of 3 seconds. Inferno Seed

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