Thursday, April 1, 2021

Where to Forage For Bouncy Eggs in Fortnite

It’s springtime in Fortnite again. That means bunny skins, colorful eggs, and a host of new challenges including a special one, offered by Webster, that involves eggs and bunny-inspired items. Webster’s Legendary challenge is split into multiple tiers and all of them task you with finding Bouncy Eggs hidden around the island in order to unlock cool items. To help you with this endeavor, we’ve marked the best locations to find these bouncy eggs in our guide below.fortnite-forage-bouncy-eggs

First Reward For Webster's Legendary Challenge

Webster’s first reward is the Tactical Quacks Pickaxe. This melee-based item is unlocked once you’ve collected 10 Bouncy Eggs. The problem is that everyone is egg hunting right now so acquiring 10 eggs can be more difficult than it sounds.

Where to Find Bouncy Eggs in Fortnite

Fortnite's Bouncy Eggs stand out thanks to their size and decorative patterns. That said, they can be tricky to find during a given match. This is because they can appear almost anywhere on the map; much like the wildlife, Bouncy Eggs aren’t necessarily confined to spawning in one specific area of the map. There are a few places where a lot of them can appear but none of these spots are as reliable as we’d hope. It was hard to tell if we got there too late (and someone snatched them up) or if they just failed to spawn during that match. That said, there is one place where you’re almost guaranteed to find a few eggs and it's been also recommended by InTheLittleWood on YouTube.fortnite-location-where-to-find-forage-bouncy-eggs-mapThe spot in question is to the East of Weeping Woods and to the South of the Spire. This elevated area seems to be the home of Cluck, the large egg-wearing chicken NPC. Fitting, considering there are always 4 or 5 eggs sitting right outside his camp. Just run up to each egg and interact with it. Note: Cluck's location might be greyed out for you. Though I’ve landed here before, it took a while to figure out where to go to make it appear on the map. The trick is to head towards Primal Lake, a spot directly South East of Cluck's camp.fortnite-bouncy-eggs-clucks-camp-locationHThere are other hot spots on the map that house eggs. I found a decent amount in the beach-like area just West of Steamy Stacks, for instance. You can also occasionally find a bunch around Stealth Stronghold. These places are highly contested though, and considering they don’t always have Bouncy Eggs, they aren’t always worth visiting. Cluck’s camp is the way to go. There are always eggs there. It’s also a secluded place so you won’t have to worry about shooting it out with anyone. Of course, that might change now that you all know where to go. Just be sure to save some eggs for me if I happen to land next to you sometime this week. For more, check out our Fortnite Battle Royale review and our guides on how to tame raptors and crafting weapons. [poilib element="accentDivider"]  Kenneth Seward Jr. is a freelance writer, editor, and illustrator who covers games, movies, and more. Follow him @kennyufg and on Twitch.

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