Friday, November 10, 2023

Modern Warfare III's mundane recreation of London's south bank makes me want an entire game of that

Let me just say from the outset that I love a good COD campaign. At their best, they’re the video game equivalent of a Jerry Bruckheimer production: visceral, over-the-top extravaganzas where half the joy is in simply grinning as an infinite budget gets blasted onto your retinas from a Hollywood money cannon. Just, uh, just don’t think too hard about the wretched politics of the thing.

Although Modern Warfare 3's campaign definitely lets the side down on numerous fronts, there is one area where it holds up. Call of Duty’s real-world recreations are legendary. Not quite peerless: there are plenty of other franchises that give it a good run for its money on that front. Assassin’s Creed, of course. Yakuza slash Like a Dragon. GTA, if we’re talking about nailing a vibe. But the sheer polish, the incredible resources they’re able to expend on, say, recreating that bit of London’s South Bank near Giraffe, is impressive in and of itself.

Just like with MW2’s Amsterdam, I desperately wish there were more to do in these hyper-realistic spaces than simply listen to a bit of exposition before the shooting starts. In fact, I kinda think they’re wasted on games where their only real purpose is to provide a little breather before the action kicks off again. A gentle aperitif before a main course of carnage.

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